CDDA Diamond Drilling Recommended Hourly Wages 2020-2021 June 14, 2021 Ashley Gauvin No Comments Amid Covid-19, there has been some updates regarding the recommended wages for 2021 for the Diamond Drilling Industry. Each year the Canadian Diamond Drilling Association collects data from our members to provide our members with a Nationally Recommended Hourly Wage for the Diamond Drilling Industry Positions of Driller Assistant (Driller Helper) and Driller. If you are an employer of the Diamond Drilling Industry and have knowledge of the wages for the positions of Driller Assistant (Driller Helper) and Driller in the year 2021, we strongly encourage you to participate in the survey, as it will assist us with providing an accurate sample of the industry. Please note that this information is strictly confidential and will only be used to assist us in providing an average National Recommended Wage to our members regarding new and current hires amidst COVID-19. First Name and Last Name Company Name Company Position 1. In the current year 2021, amidst COVID-19, what is the average hourly wage a Driller made within your company? In the current year 2020, amidst COVID-19, what is the average hourly wage a Driller made within your company? 2. In the current year 2021, amidst COVID-19, what is the average hourly wage a Driller Assistant (Driller helper) makes within your company? In the current year 2020, amidst COVID-19, what is the average hourly wage a Driller Assistant (Driller helper) makes within your company? 3. If you have any further comments regarding the 2021 wages you would like us to consider please comment below. If you have any further comments regarding the 2020 wages you would like us to consider please comment below. Time's up