


Safety & Technical Committee

Robert Fleming – Team Drilling Ltd.
John Stringer – Major Drilling Group
Gerry Cooke – Aggressive Drilling Ltd.
Robert Steadman – Foraco Canada Ltd.

Convention Committee

Michelle White – Fordia Powered by Epiroc 

DEC Commitee

D. Ross- Hy-Tech Drilling 

Bert Hettrich- ISO Certification 

Safety Advisories

A company had two incidents within a week involving the knives they use. The worker was attempting to cut the “O” ring while using the OLFA style knife.

The worker did not remove his finger from the switch, which allowed the retractable knife to stay out. His hand then slipped and cut through his glove and required 3 stitches. They have now switched to WISS auto-retracting knife.

Utility Knife:

utility knife

Auto-Retracting Knife:

auto-retracting knife

Contact us at our local branch

    Get in touch with the CDDA, contact us at our local branch.

    CDDA - Canadian Diamond Drilling Association

    Canadian Diamond Drilling Association
    1-236 Worthington Street West North Bay, Ontario P1B 3B4
    Tel: (705) 476-6992 Fax: (705) 476-9494